Happy Valentine's Day from Bookmonkey!
Today's post will actually be pretty brief, as I've got Valentine's preparations to work on for my lovely wife, but I thought I'd share my favourite two kisses in genre films from my childhood - the two that had even me at the time (a little boy with a lot of sisters who therefore was way too cool for disgusting things like kisses) really happy.

The first is, without a doubt, Gertie kissing E.T. good-bye (pictured above) - I say this the year it came out in theatres so I would have been six at this point and I've got to say, this may be the sweetest kiss I can remember from any film I saw as a little kid.

The second was the kiss between Princess Buttercup and the Dread Pirate Roberts (pictured above) in the film The Princess Bride, which I would have seen at about the age of ten, and very much like the little boy in the film, I started out hating the idea of romantic kissing in movies and ended up being swept away by it.
Happy Valentine's from Bookmonkey
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