What does that actually mean you ask? (you being the folks who didn't immediately hit the "next blog" button as soon as you read the word "budget" or I suppose the people who stuck around after I promised a lack of detail...)
It means I look over a lot of invoices, receipts, claims and forms - basically a lot of stacks of paper with their own rules which, although I had the help of a wonderful person in terms of training, all start to look pretty terrifying to me as soon as the numbers stopped adding up.
Taking a small break to solve my Rubick's Cube it suddenly struck me - I might be looking at the wrong stack of papers! Slamming my cube down with two algorithms (sets of patterned moves I need to do to get my cube on) remaining, I dashed to the budget backlogs and indeed found what I was looking for - numbers that added up with the reports I was dealing with!
After double and triple checking my numbers and found they worked I jumped up from my seat and looked around the library for someone to share my realization with and then I saw the clock.
I realized I had stayed over 15 minutes late at work.
Then I realized I had stayed over 15 minutes late working on math problems.
Then I realized I had stayed over 15 mintues late working on math problems and I was currently looking for someone so I could brag about that fact.
So yeah - I think I'm becoming a nerd, and you know what? It's pretty awesome.
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