Hi Everyone,
It's that time of year again, where I take a topic in the Horror genre and dig deep down for an entire month worth of posts.
Next month, however, the topic is going to be a little different.
For years now I've been collecting horror comics, novels, movies, and games I've been meaning to get around to, and just haven't touched. But two weeks ago I got a really great piece of incentive - the first season of Starz's Ash vs Evil Dead, and I really REALLY want to check it out.
So here's what I'm gonna do next month - I'm going to dig up all those books, games and movies I've been meaning to get around to and check them out, earning myself one episode of the TV series per item, getting to see my new series and at the same time, doing a pretty big cleanup on a backlog of horror I've been meaning to clean up for a while now.
So get ready, because in two week's time, we begin
Bookmonkey vs. The Hoard.
Breaking the Silence
2 months ago